History of C++Gui development
I've always liked react, and I've used it to create personal applications. It's easy to use.
I decided to try it again after a long time, so I looked at some recent reference books. I noticed that the focus had shifted from the rendering model to the style. Programmable CSS techniques such as sass have been around for a long time, but it seems like the bottleneck has come full circle and is now tied to the current CSS standards.
I think changing the rules is much more difficult than changing the implementation.
CSS in JS seemed like a solution, but after a little research I found that there were speed issues. I thought that rather than putting effort into making CSS faster, it would be quicker to change the specifications of web technology and bring it into native languages rather than using browser rendering, so I started C++ GUI development.
That's all for the introduction, but since I was implementing it in a native language, I wanted to create a tool based on the experience when graphical PCs were released, so I set the default style theme to a classic-looking interface rather than a modern one.
My favorite font is PC-9800.ttf, an NEC font. Some people may not know it, but it's a word processor. I made it with a theme that reminds me of Ichitaro.